Teaching methods – 3 to 6

Alert hands working for intelligence

L'activité autonome
[cws_sc_fa icon=’university’ shape=’round’ size=’1x’]

Autonomous activity

A mood organized so that children can work self-sufficiently.[/cws_sc_fa]

Des plages de travail suffisament longues
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Working spans of sufficient length

The material is designed to focus a child’s attention and help him or her to concentrate and build.[/cws_sc_fa]

Le matériel Montessori
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Montessori material

Practical life, sensory, maths, language.[/cws_sc_fa]

Le bilinguisme
[cws_sc_fa icon=’child’ shape=’round’ size=’1x’]


Montessori’s Cool offers children two languages and two cultures, one English, one French.[/cws_sc_fa]

Le mélange des âges
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Age mix

The “moods” at Montessori’s Cool are composed of children of mixed ages.[/cws_sc_fa]

Sensory Material

Material with a series of materialised abstractions (big, small, green, smooth, rough…) that children are able to feel and sense (touch, sight…). They can then work on differentiation and comparison. We help children to arrange their perceptions of the outside world, in particular through classification and analysis.
Material for geography, science, botany, music and designer art activities provide children with a solid foundation of knowledge and a beginning to their understanding of the world in which they live.



Practical Life Material

This consists of everyday objects or activities (buttoning up, unbuttoning, peeling, pouring water…). These exercises, completely out of context, help them to perfect the movement, acquire the dexterity and the assurance they need to apply movements without fear of failure. They build self-confidence and autonomy.


Language Material


Our school strives, once again, to teach language (reading and writing) through games designed to analyse sounds, associations of sounds and signs, and then sensory materials that help them to perfect their writing movements. The learning process for reading follows on quite naturally.



Maths Material

Material designed especially to help children to experiment in a sensorial way with the concepts of numbers, quantities and operations in order to ease their way into the world of abstraction.

Many Montessori children leave their Children’s House with a real love of figures and mathematics.


Projet pédagogique 3 - 6 ans

[cws_sc_button title=’See Teaching Project for 3 to 6 year-olds’ url=’./projet-pedagogique-3-6?lang=en’ new_tab=’0′ size=’large’ alt=’0′ full_width=’0′ customize=’0′][/cws_sc_button]